Interested In Fencing Your Front Yard? 3 Things To Keep In Mind For The Fence Design


Making the front of your home more secure can be as easy as having residential fences installed, but it can be difficult to know how to get started. While you may have fencing in the backyard already, your needs for fencing in the front yard can be quite different since you may not want the same level of privacy in order to maintain curb appeal.

If you're unsure of how to get started and want the front of your home to look fantastic with the new fencing installed, it's important for you to consider the following tips for the best finished look.

Keep the Height Reasonable

When security is one of your top priorities, it makes sense for you to want a taller fence that will be more difficult to scale. While this is certainly something that you'll consider, you want to be careful that the fence isn't so tall that it blocks the view of your home entirely.

Keeping the fence at a reasonable height can ensure that it looks great, while still offering the security you want.

Don't Be Afraid of Ornamental Styles

When you're picking out fencing to have installed in the front of your home, it's vital that you make a good design a top priority. Instead of choosing fencing based only on cost, you should consider the exterior of your home and what style of fencing will fit in best once it's been installed. More ornamental designs of fencing may not be suited for the backyard, but the front of your home can be the ideal place to have something a bit more decorative.

Include a Gate for a Finished Look

Along with having fencing installed in the front of your home, you should look into having a gate installed so that it has that extra bit of security. A gate at the front of your home can deter some people from knocking on your door, helping to cut down on potential soliciting. Picking out a gate that fits in with the fencing and other features of your home can ensure that the results look great.

As you prepare for having fencing installed, you'll need to consider the differences that arise when picking out fencing for the front of your home. By making an attractive design a priority and considering some of the other above tips, you can feel good about choosing fencing that adds value to your home.


16 May 2018

Fence Contractors, Privacy, and You

I've found that one of the perks of being a homeowner is the privacy that your own home provides. However, sometimes there can be a lack of privacy if you are in your yard and it is unfenced. When we bought our home, there was not a fence. One night, after the neighbors dog wandered through our barbecue one time too many, I decided that it was time to look up a fence contractor. We soon found a great price on a fence with a fantastic fence contractor. Now we can keep our privacy while still feeling open towards the neighbors.